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The Character of Christ & Honor: Loving Your Church by Building Up One Another

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The Character of Christ & Honor: Loving Your Church by Building Up One Another

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The apostle Paul describes the fruit of the Spirit in the book of Galatians as a set of characteristics that God nurtures in the lives of those who believe in Jesus. While these characteristics are a lifelong work in progress by God’s Spirit in a Christian’s life, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are all perfectly and fully displayed in our Saviour.

The Character of Christ offers an in-depth exploration of how each attribute was present and manifested in Jesus. This book takes readers to the very heart of Christ and offers a foretaste of what those who trust in Him will one day be like.

Honor is a word that’s mentioned hundreds of times throughout the Bible––but it’s not something we talk about much today. If a right understanding of honor is vital to healthy churches, what does it look like for us in everyday church life?

Honor: Loving Your Church by Building One Another Up paints a vision of an honoring church that shines brightly because of the way its members cherish each other, value their leaders, and above all else, bring honor to God.

format: Paperbacks, 162 pages & 128 pages
sku: 33033