These low prices, as well as all of the Bible teaching from Truth For Life, are made possible by donations from listeners like you.

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How God Made Me Three-Book Bundle

This colorful collection of three board books teaches preschool-age children that God made their eyes, hands, and mouths to honor Him and reflect the love of Christ to others. This instructive introductory set shows children how to honor God and be kind to one another in the way God intended. All three hardcover books are interactive, featuring flaps that open to reveal pictures inside so young children can engage with the pages.

Jesus’ Stories: A Family Parable Devotional

This colorful picture book for children ages six and older introduces young readers to the captivating stories told by Jesus. The book retells twenty-two parables that Jesus used to teach His followers about the values and priorities in the kingdom of God. The book retells the parable of The Wedding Feast, the Workers in the Vineyard, The Sower and the Seeds, The Lost Sheep, The Prodigal Son, and many more.

C Is for Christian: An A to Z Treasury of Who We Are in Christ

In C is for Christian, Alistair helps young children comprehend the big ideas of the Bible—ideas like being a new creation in Christ and being qualified by God to be part of His perfect world forever. A brief Scripture passage, a prayer, and discussion questions accompany prompting children to praise God, thank Him, and worship Jesus as they grow more excited about all the blessings that come with being His friend.

The Story Maker

This colorful, little 12-page booklet is a short Gospel tract that introduces the storyline of the Bible to young children. The booklet tells the story of God’s plan for our salvation, beginning with Creation and how God made everything beautiful and good. Then came the fall, and sin spoiled all that God made perfect. But God sent a rescue—Jesus! And one day, He will make the world perfect again. For those who believe in Jesus, everything that causes pain and sadness will be gone forever.

Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading Calendar

This easy-to-use daily Bible reading plan will guide you through four passages from Scripture each day, giving you a road map for reading the entire Bible over the course of the year. In his suggested readings, M’Cheyne divides the plan into two parts: one for personal reading and one that can be read together as a family. When you use this daily plan, you'll end the year having read the entire Old Testament once and the New Testament and the book of Psalms twice!

Helen Roseveare, The Doctor Who Kept Going No Matter What

This short biography on the life of doctor and British missionary Helen Roseveare will inspire young children to serve the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully.

Helen was trained as a doctor in England and then journeyed to the heart of Africa in the mid-1900s to care for the sick. Through many successes and trials, Helen remained committed to sharing the Gospel and lived her life in service to the will of God. This brief 24-page book comes in hardcover and is colorfully illustrated.

The Miracle of Christmas: A Collection of Series

Through Jesus’ birth, God’s Son entered the world with one purpose: to save it from sin once and for all. In this special collection of eight Christmas series, Alistair Begg examines different aspects of the Christmas story, providing a full panorama of who Jesus is, why He came, and what His life, death, resurrection, and ascension mean for us today. Alistair unpacks the details of Scripture to illuminate this familiar story afresh. The birth of Jesus isn’t just the reason for a festive season; it’s the turning point of all of human history—and can be for our own stories as well!

Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions, Volume One

Start each day with the truth you need to navigate life by using this one-year devotional from Alistair Begg.

Each daily reading contains a passage from Scripture followed by a commentary written by Alistair. The commentary explains the Bible’s words, offers encouragement, and reflects on how God’s truth inspires us to live for Christ. At the end of each entry, readers are encouraged to consider three questions for deeper reflection:

· How is God calling me to think differently?
· How is God reordering my heart’s affections—what I love?
· What is God calling me to do as I go about my day today?

Each devotion also includes suggested Scripture readings for further study, as well as a Bible reading plan that will guide you through all of God’s Word from start to finish in one year.

Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions is a hardcover book that includes a placeholder ribbon.

“These daily reflections from Alistair Begg are simple but profound, short but meaty, challenging but encouraging. They offer truth for all of life, truth to consecrate a life, truth to transform a life. Together, they make an ideal devotional resource for individuals, couples, and families alike.” —Tim Challies

Let Earth Receive Her King: Daily Readings for Advent

In this collection of twenty-four daily readings for Advent, Alistair Begg takes a journey through the Scriptures to trace the lines of the Messiah King, beginning in the book of Genesis. The readings take a broad sweep through the Scriptures to help readers view the Christmas story through a wide-angle lens, beginning with the anticipation of Christ’s coming in the Old Testament and then exploring the fulfillment of those prophecies in the Gospels and the Epistles. Alistair concludes by anticipating the King’s glorious return in the book of Revelation.

Promises Made, Promises Kept: A Family Devotional for Christmas

Please request your copy of The Character of Christ: The Fruit of the Spirit in the Life of Our Savior at checkout when you add a donation.