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Household of Faith, Two Volume Set

Household of Faith, Two Volume Set
MP3 CD Series

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As we view culture unraveling before our eyes, some are tempted to throw up their hands in despair, while others plunge headlong into political activism, believing that to be the answer to our problems. We must, however, affirm the priority of the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, by which the lives of men and women are changed.

For this reason I'm excited about presenting these studies in 1 Timothy. Here we find God's purpose for His people. He has planned from all of eternity to redeem a people that are His very own, in order that we might be distinctive in the culture. At the heart of this series is the conviction that the household of faith stands in great need of a solid experiential grasp of basic Christian doctrine. Instead of reaching for the latest "how to" manual, what we really need is to know WHO God is and WHAT He has said, and in turn what this means on a daily basis. These studies come with the prayerful anticipation that God may use them for the strengthening of the church, and for the opening of the eyes of men and women to the truth of the Gospel.

sku: 15403MP3CD