This rich collection of forty-eight daily readings begins at Easter (known in the early church as Pascha) and continues through Pentecost. This devotional will encourage you, individually or together with your family, to establish a posture of remembrance and gratitude as you reflect on what Christ has done through His temptations, life, trial, passion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and Pentecost.
Each daily reading follows a liturgical format and includes reading Scripture passages from the Old and New Testaments, reciting historical prayers, creeds, catechisms, and the Lord’s Prayer, among others.
The prayers and other content in O Sacred Head, Now Wounded were written by authors from throughout the centuries, including Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Richard Baxter, Johnathan Edwards, J.C. Ryle, Isaac Watts, Martin Luther, and Thomas Watson, to name a few. Prayers are also drawn from the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Public Prayer.
This hardcover book comes in a cloth, gold-embossed cover with three silk ribbons for placekeeping. It is the third book in the series that includes Be Thou My Vision and O Come, O Come Emmanuel.