God Will Judge with Equity
To the choirmaster: according to lDo Not Destroy. mA Psalm of Asaph. A Song.
1We give thanks to you, O God;
we give thanks, for your name is nnear.
We1 recount your wondrous deeds.
2“At othe set time that I appoint
I will judge pwith equity.
3When the earth qtotters, and all its inhabitants,
it is I who keep steady its rpillars. Selah
4I say to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’
and to the wicked, s‘Do not lift up your horn;
5do not lift up your horn on high,
or speak with haughty neck.’”
6For not from the east or from the west
and not from the wilderness comes tlifting up,
7but it is uGod who executes judgment,
vputting down one and lifting up another.
8wFor in the hand of the Lord there is xa cup
with foaming wine, ywell mixed,
and he pours out from it,
and all the wicked of the earth
shall zdrain it down to the dregs.
9But I will declare it forever;
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
10aAll the horns of the wicked I will cut off,
bbut the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up.
- 1 75:1 Hebrew They
The Prophesied Kingdom — Part One
Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon • Includes Transcript • 36:31 • ID: 2390The Prophesied Kingdom — Part Two
Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon • Includes Transcript • 43:38 • ID: 2391
Who Can Stand Before You?
To the choirmaster: with cstringed instruments. A Psalm of dAsaph. A Song.
1In Judah God is eknown;
his name is great in Israel.
2His fabode has been established in gSalem,
his hdwelling place in Zion.
3There he ibroke the flashing arrows,
the shield, the sword, and the weapons of war. Selah
4Glorious are you, more majestic
jthan the mountains full of kprey.
5lThe stouthearted were stripped of their spoil;
mthey sank into sleep;
all the men of war
were unable to use their hands.
6At your rebuke, O God of Jacob,
both nrider and horse lay stunned.
7oBut you, you are to be feared!
Who can pstand before you
when once your anger is roused?
8From the heavens you uttered judgment;
qthe earth feared and was still,
9when God rarose to establish judgment,
to save all the humble of the earth. Selah
10Surely sthe wrath of man shall praise you;
the remnant1 of wrath you will put on like a belt.
11tMake your vows to the Lord your God and perform them;
let all around him ubring gifts
to him who vis to be feared,
12who wcuts off the spirit of princes,
who xis to be feared by the kings of the earth.
- 1 76:10 Or extremity
The Prophesied Kingdom — Part One
Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon • Includes Transcript • 36:31 • ID: 2390The Prophesied Kingdom — Part Two
Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon • Includes Transcript • 43:38 • ID: 2391Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.