
Bible Reference

Psalm 78:1-37
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Tell the Coming Generation

A Maskil1 of hAsaph.

1iGive ear, O my people, to my teaching;

incline your ears to the words of my mouth!

2jI will open my mouth kin a parable;

I will utter dark sayings from of old,

3things that we have heard and known,

that our lfathers have told us.

4We will not mhide them from their children,

but ntell to the coming generation

the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,

and othe wonders that he has done.

5He established pa testimony in qJacob

and appointed a law in qIsrael,

which he commanded our fathers

to teach to their children,

6that rthe next generation might know them,

the children yet unborn,

and arise and tell them to their children,

7so that they should set their hope in God

and not forget sthe works of God,

but tkeep his commandments;

8and that they should not be ulike their fathers,

va stubborn and rebellious generation,

a generation wwhose heart was not steadfast,

whose spirit was not faithful to God.

9The Ephraimites, armed with2 the bow,

xturned back on the day of battle.

10They ydid not keep God's covenant,

but refused to walk according to his law.

11They zforgot his works

and athe wonders that he had shown them.

12In the sight of their fathers bhe performed wonders

in the land of Egypt, in cthe fields of Zoan.

13He ddivided the sea and let them pass through it,

and made the waters estand like a heap.

14fIn the daytime he led them with a cloud,

and all the night with a fiery light.

15He gsplit rocks in the wilderness

and gave them drink abundantly as from the deep.

16He made streams come out of hthe rock

and caused waters to flow down like rivers.

17Yet they sinned still more against him,

irebelling against the Most High in the desert.

18They jtested God in their heart

by demanding the food they craved.

19They spoke against God, saying,

k“Can God lspread a table in the wilderness?

20mHe struck the rock so that water gushed out

and streams overflowed.

Can he also give bread

or provide meat for his people?”

21Therefore, when the Lord heard, he was full of wrath;

na fire was kindled against Jacob;

his anger rose against Israel,

22because they odid not believe in God

and did not trust his saving power.

23Yet he commanded the skies above

and popened the doors of heaven,

24and he qrained down on them manna to eat

and gave them rthe grain of heaven.

25Man ate of the bread of sthe angels;

he sent them food tin abundance.

26He ucaused the east wind to blow in the heavens,

and by his power he led out the south wind;

27he rained meat on them like vdust,

winged birds like wthe sand of the seas;

28he xlet them fall in the midst of their camp,

all around their dwellings.

29And they yate and were well filled,

for he gave them what they zcraved.

30But before they had satisfied their craving,

awhile the food was still in their mouths,

31the anger of God rose against them,

and he killed bthe strongest of them

and laid low cthe young men of Israel.

32In spite of all this, they dstill sinned;

edespite his wonders, they did not believe.

33So he made ftheir days gvanish like3 a breath,4

and their years in terror.

34When he killed them, they hsought him;

they repented and sought God earnestly.

35They remembered that God was their irock,

the Most High God their jredeemer.

36But they kflattered him with their mouths;

they llied to him with their tongues.

37Their mheart was not nsteadfast toward him;

they were not faithful to his covenant.


  • 1 78:1 Probably a musical or liturgical term
  • 2 78:9 Hebrew armed and shooting
  • 3 78:33 Hebrew in
  • 4 78:33 Or vapor
Displaying 1-2 of 2 sermons for this passage.

The Prophesied Kingdom — Part One

Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:31 ID: 2390

The Prophesied Kingdom — Part Two

Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon Includes Transcript 43:38 ID: 2391

Displaying 1-1 of 1 series for this passage.

The Kingdom of God, Volume 1

Genesis 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Series ID: 26801