How Now Shall We Live?
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How Now Shall We Live?

 (ID: 2187)

Careful observers of American culture over the past few decades can’t help but notice the loss of a moral center. Instead of wringing our hands, though, we must recognize that this is a great occasion for the Gospel’s advance. Providing hope from 1 Peter, Alistair Begg asserts that if the church will bow to Christ’s lordship, it will be a light shining out in the darkness. The reign of Christ and His people will outlast every human regime.

15but gin your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, halways being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and irespect, 16jhaving a good conscience, so that, kwhen you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

Copyright © 2025, Alistair Begg. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Alistair Begg
Alistair Begg is Senior Pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Bible teacher on Truth For Life, which is heard on the radio and online around the world.