“If There Is No Resurrection…”
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“If There Is No Resurrection…”

The resurrection is often a stumbling block for skeptics. Sometimes, we may even be inclined to share the Gospel without mentioning Christ’s return from death. Paul, however, taught that when we remove Christ’s resurrection and His promise of new life in Him, then we render our faith meaningless. Tracing a line through Scripture, Alistair Begg affirms the truth and centrality of the resurrection. What we believe about the future will directly impact how we behave in the present.

Series Containing This Sermon

A Study in 1 Corinthians, Volume 7

Life after Death 1 Corinthians 15:1–58 Series ID: 14607

29Otherwise, what do people mean by being baptized on behalf of the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized on their behalf? 30Why are we tin danger every hour? 31I protest, brothers, by umy pride in you, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, vI die every day! 32What do I gain if, humanly speaking, wI fought with beasts at Ephesus? If the dead are not raised, x“Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” 33yDo not be deceived: z“Bad company ruins good morals.”4 34aWake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For bsome have no knowledge of God. cI say this to your shame.

Copyright © 2025, Alistair Begg. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Alistair Begg
Alistair Begg is Senior Pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Bible teacher on Truth For Life, which is heard on the radio and online around the world.