For Us, for Him, for Good (San Francisco)
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For Us, for Him, for Good (San Francisco)

 (ID: 1922)

As the church waits in anticipation for Christ’s return, there is much work to be done. Alistair Begg surveys for us Titus 2’s practical instruction on how to live out the truth and impact the world. The call to follow sound doctrine, say no to ungodliness, and eagerly do good is grounded in the truth of the Gospel. Are we willing to lean into the challenge of a passionate life unyieldingly obedient to Christ, both for Him and for our good?


Teach Sound Doctrine

1But as for you, teach what accords with psound1 doctrine. 2Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, psound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. 3qOlder women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, rnot slanderers sor slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled, tpure, uworking at home, kind, and vsubmissive to their own husbands, wthat the word of God may not be reviled. 6Likewise, urge xthe younger men to be self-controlled. 7Show yourself in all respects to be ya model of good works, and in your teaching zshow integrity, adignity, 8and bsound speech that cannot be condemned, cso that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us. 9dBondservants2 are to be submissive to their own masters ein everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, 10not pilfering, fbut showing all good faith, gso that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.

11For hthe grace of God ihas appeared, bringing salvation jfor all people, 12training us to renounce ungodliness and kworldly passions, and lto live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in mthe present age, 13nwaiting for our blessed ohope, the pappearing of the glory of our great qGod and Savior Jesus Christ, 14rwho gave himself for us to sredeem us from all lawlessness and tto purify for himself ta people for his own possession who are uzealous for good works.

15Declare these things; exhort and vrebuke with all authority. wLet no one disregard you.

Copyright © 2025, Alistair Begg. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Alistair Begg
Alistair Begg is Senior Pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Bible teacher on Truth For Life, which is heard on the radio and online around the world.