23When they had appointed a day for him, they came to him at his lodging in greater numbers. From morning till evening ohe expounded to them, testifying to pthe kingdom of God and qtrying to convince them about Jesus rboth from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets. 24And ssome were convinced by what he said, but others disbelieved. 25And disagreeing among themselves, they departed after Paul had made one statement: t“The Holy Spirit was right in saying to your fathers through Isaiah the prophet:
26u“‘Go to this people, and say,
v“You will indeed hear but never understand,
and you will indeed see but never perceive.”
27wFor this people's heart has grown dull,
and with their ears they can barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed;
lest they should see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
and xturn, and I would heal them.’
28Therefore let it be known to you that ythis zsalvation of God ahas been sent to the Gentiles; bthey will listen.”6
- 6 28:28 Some manuscripts add verse 29: And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, having much dispute among themselves
For the Sake of the Gospel, Volume 2
Acts 25:1–27, Acts 26:1–32, Acts 27:1–44, Acts 28:1–31 Series • ID: 25205Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.