Now in its nineteenth year, the annual Basics Conference has devoted nearly two decades to equipping men serving as pastors and Christian workers to do the basics of Christian ministry well. As 2019’s conference reminds us, this work begins with our fulfillment of Jesus’ final charge to his first followers: “Go … and make disciples of all nations.” The role of the pastor involves much, from teaching and preaching to marrying and burying. At its core, though, ministry is about discipleship, and for the Christian ministry leader, few titles should matter more than that of “disciple maker.”
Whether you’re a pastor, Bible teacher, ministry worker, or layperson who simply wants to learn more, we invite you to join Alistair Begg, along with guests Rico Tice of London All Souls Church, pastoral trainer Andy Gemmill, and others as they consider the minister’s call to preach Christ to the nations and lead worshipers to God’s throne.