
Resources series

Psalms, Volume 1

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ID: 11901 • June 1, 2006

The Puritans called the Psalms “the soul’s medicine chest.” These ancient worship songs are a rich treasure of prayer, praise, wisdom, prophecy, and lament. They articulate the realities of living in a fallen world while pointing to the certain hope to be found in the good Creator who is sovereign over all things. Believers in every age have found help in the Psalms as they have sought to walk faithfully with God.

In this study, Alistair Begg opens up the medicine chest and examines its first nine entries. These songs point us to the greatness of God and His Word, and they direct us to find our hope in the good news of the Savior who is prefigured in them. As we consider these things, the psalms lead our hearts in praise.

Sermons in this Series
Available Volumes:

Gateway to Happiness

Psalm 1:1–6 Sermon 42:34 ID: 1538

A Warning to World Leaders

Psalm 2:1–12 Sermon Includes Transcript 46:06 ID: 1540


Psalm 3:1–8 Sermon 44:32 ID: 1541

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Psalm 4:1–8 Sermon 44:56 ID: 1545

Perspective on Life

Psalm 5:1–12 Sermon 41:46 ID: 1547

Stressed Out or Straightened Out?

Psalm 6:1–10 Sermon 44:47 ID: 1549

From Prison to Praise

Psalm 7:1–17 Sermon 39:19 ID: 1551

Plural, Powerful, Perfect, and Praiseworthy

Psalm 8:1 Sermon 28:55 ID: 1552

“How Majestic Is Your Name”

Psalm 8:1–9 Sermon 30:58 ID: 1553

Worship His Majesty

Psalm 9:1 Sermon 35:48 ID: 1555