
Bible Reference

Psalm 119:1-176
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Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet


11 Blessed are those whose kway is blameless,

who lwalk in the law of the Lord!

2Blessed are those who mkeep his ntestimonies,

who oseek him with their whole heart,

3who also pdo no wrong,

but walk in his ways!

4You have commanded your qprecepts

to be kept diligently.

5Oh that my ways may rbe steadfast

in keeping your statutes!

6sThen I shall not be put to shame,

having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.

7I will praise you with an upright heart,

when I learn tyour righteous rules.2

8I will keep your statutes;

udo not utterly forsake me!


9How can va young man keep his way pure?

By guarding it according to your word.

10wWith my whole heart I seek you;

let me not xwander from your commandments!

11I have ystored up your word in my heart,

that I might not sin against you.

12Blessed are you, O Lord;

zteach me your statutes!

13With my lips I adeclare

all the rules3 of your mouth.

14In the way of your testimonies I bdelight

as much as in all criches.

15I will dmeditate on your precepts

and fix my eyes on your eways.

16I will fdelight in your statutes;

I will not forget your word.


17gDeal bountifully with your servant,

hthat I may live and keep your word.

18Open my eyes, that I may behold

wondrous things out of your law.

19I am ia sojourner on the earth;

jhide not your commandments from me!

20My soul is consumed with klonging

for your rules4 at all times.

21You rebuke lthe insolent, maccursed ones,

who nwander from your commandments.

22Take away from me oscorn and contempt,

pfor I have kept your testimonies.

23Even though qprinces sit plotting against me,

your servant will rmeditate on your statutes.

24Your testimonies are my sdelight;

they are my tcounselors.


25uMy soul clings to the dust;

vgive me life waccording to your word!

26When xI told of my ways, you answered me;

yteach me your statutes!

27zMake me understand the way of your precepts,

and I will ameditate on your wondrous works.

28bMy soul melts away for sorrow;

strengthen me according to your word!

29Put false ways far from me

and graciously cteach me your law!

30I have chosen the way of faithfulness;

I dset your rules before me.

31I cling to your testimonies, O Lord;

elet me not be put to shame!

32I will run in the way of your commandments

when you fenlarge my heart!5


33gTeach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes;

and I will keep it hto the end.6

34iGive me understanding, that I may keep your law

and observe it with my whole heart.

35jLead me in the path of your commandments,

for I kdelight in it.

36lIncline my heart to your testimonies,

and not to mselfish gain!

37nTurn my eyes from looking at worthless things;

and ogive me life in your ways.

38pConfirm to your servant your promise,

qthat you may be feared.

39Turn away the rreproach that I dread,

for your rules are good.

40Behold, I slong for your precepts;

tin your righteousness give me life!


41Let your usteadfast love come to me, O Lord,

your salvation vaccording to your promise;

42then wshall I have an answer for him rwho taunts me,

for I trust in your word.

43And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth,

for my xhope is in your rules.

44I will keep your law continually,

forever and ever,

45and I shall walk yin a wide place,

for I have zsought your precepts.

46I will also speak of your testimonies abefore kings

and shall not be put to shame,

47for I bfind my delight in your commandments,

which I love.

48I will clift up my hands toward your commandments, which I love,

and I will dmeditate on your statutes.


49Remember eyour word to your servant,

in which you have made me fhope.

50This is gmy comfort in my affliction,

that your promise hgives me life.

51iThe insolent utterly deride me,

but I do not jturn away from your law.

52When I think of your rules from of old,

I take comfort, O Lord.

53kHot indignation seizes me because of the wicked,

who forsake your law.

54Your statutes have been my songs

in the house of my lsojourning.

55I mremember your name in the night, O Lord,

and keep your law.

56This blessing has fallen to me,

that nI have kept your precepts.


57oThe Lord is my portion;

I promise to keep your words.

58I pentreat your favor with all my heart;

be gracious to me qaccording to your promise.

59When I rthink on my ways,

I turn my feet to your testimonies;

60I hasten and do not delay

to keep your commandments.

61Though sthe cords of the wicked ensnare me,

I do not tforget your law.

62At umidnight I rise to praise you,

because of your vrighteous rules.

63wI am a companion of all who fear you,

of those who keep your precepts.

64xThe earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love;

yteach me your statutes!


65You have dealt well with your servant,

O Lord, zaccording to your word.

66Teach me agood judgment and knowledge,

for I believe in your commandments.

67bBefore I was afflicted I went astray,

but now I keep your word.

68cYou are good and do good;

dteach me your statutes.

69eThe insolent fsmear me with lies,

but with my whole heart I gkeep your precepts;

70their heart is unfeeling hlike fat,

but I idelight in your law.

71It is jgood for me that I was afflicted,

that I might learn your statutes.

72kThe law of your mouth is better to me

than thousands of gold and silver pieces.


73lYour hands have made and fashioned me;

mgive me understanding that I may learn your commandments.

74Those who fear you shall see me and nrejoice,

because I have ohoped in your word.

75I know, O Lord, that your rules are prighteous,

and that in qfaithfulness you have afflicted me.

76Let your steadfast love comfort me

according to your promise to your servant.

77Let your rmercy come to me, that I may live;

for your law is my sdelight.

78Let tthe insolent be put to ushame,

because they have vwronged me with falsehood;

as for me, I will wmeditate on your precepts.

79Let those who fear you xturn to me,

that they may know your testimonies.

80May my heart be yblameless in your statutes,

zthat I may not be put to shame!


81My soul alongs for your salvation;

I bhope in your word.

82My ceyes long for your promise;

I ask, d“When will you comfort me?”

83For I have ebecome like a fwineskin in the smoke,

yet I have not forgotten your statutes.

84gHow long must your servant endure?7

hWhen will you judge those who persecute me?

85iThe insolent have jdug pitfalls for me;

they do not live according to your law.

86All your commandments are ksure;

they persecute me lwith falsehood; mhelp me!

87They have almost made an end of me on earth,

but I have not forsaken your precepts.

88In your steadfast love ngive me life,

that I may keep the testimonies of your mouth.


89Forever, O Lord, your oword

is firmly fixed in the heavens.

90Your pfaithfulness endures to all generations;

you have qestablished the earth, and it rstands fast.

91By your sappointment they stand this day,

for all things are your servants.

92If your law had not been my tdelight,

I would have perished in my affliction.

93I will never forget your precepts,

for by them you have ugiven me life.

94I am yours; save me,

vfor I have sought your precepts.

95The wicked lie in wait to destroy me,

but I consider your testimonies.

96I have seen a limit to all perfection,

but your commandment is exceedingly wbroad.


97Oh how xI love your law!

It is my ymeditation all the day.

98Your commandment makes me zwiser than my enemies,

for it is ever with me.

99I have more understanding than all my teachers,

for ayour testimonies are my meditation.

100I understand more than bthe aged,8

for I ckeep your precepts.

101I dhold back my feet from every evil way,

in order to keep your word.

102I do not turn aside from your rules,

for you have taught me.

103How esweet are your words to my taste,

sweeter than honey to my mouth!

104Through your precepts I get understanding;

therefore fI hate every false way.


105gYour word is a lamp to my feet

and a light to my path.

106I have hsworn an oath and confirmed it,

to keep your irighteous rules.

107I am severely jafflicted;

kgive me life, O Lord, according to your word!

108Accept lmy freewill offerings of praise, O Lord,

and mteach me your rules.

109I hold my life nin my hand continually,

but I do not oforget your law.

110The wicked have laid pa snare for me,

but qI do not stray from your precepts.

111Your testimonies are rmy heritage forever,

for they are sthe joy of my heart.

112I tincline my heart to perform your statutes

forever, uto the end.9


113I hate vthe double-minded,

but I love wyour law.

114You are my xhiding place and my yshield;

I zhope in your word.

115aDepart from me, you evildoers,

that I may bkeep the commandments of my God.

116Uphold me caccording to your promise, that I may live,

and let me not be dput to shame in my ehope!

117fHold me up, that I may be safe

and have regard for your statutes continually!

118You gspurn all who hgo astray from your statutes,

for their cunning is in vain.

119All the wicked of the earth you discard like idross,

therefore jI love your testimonies.

120My flesh ktrembles for fear of you,

and I am afraid of your judgments.


121I have done what is just and right;

do not leave me to my oppressors.

122Give your servant la pledge of good;

let not mthe insolent oppress me.

123My neyes long for your salvation

and for the fulfillment of your righteous promise.

124Deal with your servant according to your steadfast love,

and oteach me your statutes.

125I am your pservant; qgive me understanding,

that I may know your testimonies!

126It is time for the Lord to act,

for your law has been broken.

127Therefore I rlove your commandments

above gold, above fine gold.

128Therefore I consider all your precepts to be right;

I hate every sfalse way.


129Your testimonies are twonderful;

therefore my soul ukeeps them.

130The unfolding of your words gives light;

it imparts vunderstanding to the simple.

131I wopen my mouth and xpant,

because I ylong for your commandments.

132zTurn to me and be gracious to me,

as is your way with those who love your name.

133aKeep steady my steps according to your promise,

and let no iniquity bget dominion over me.

134cRedeem me from man's oppression,

that I may keep your precepts.

135dMake your face shine upon your servant,

and eteach me your statutes.

136My eyes fshed streams of tears,

because people gdo not keep your law.


137hRighteous are you, O Lord,

and right are your rules.

138You have appointed your testimonies in irighteousness

and in all jfaithfulness.

139My kzeal consumes me,

because my foes forget your words.

140Your promise is well ltried,

and your servant mloves it.

141I am small and despised,

yet I do not nforget your precepts.

142Your righteousness is righteous forever,

and your law is otrue.

143Trouble and anguish have found me out,

but your commandments are my pdelight.

144Your testimonies are righteous forever;

qgive me understanding that I may rlive.


145With my swhole heart I cry; answer me, O Lord!

I will tkeep your statutes.

146I call to you; save me,

that I may observe your testimonies.

147I rise before udawn and cry for help;

I vhope in your words.

148My eyes are awake before wthe watches of the night,

that I may meditate on your promise.

149Hear my voice according to your steadfast love;

O Lord, xaccording to your justice ygive me life.

150They draw near who persecute me with evil purpose;

they are far from your law.

151But zyou are near, O Lord,

and all your commandments are atrue.

152Long have I known from your testimonies

that you have bfounded them forever.


153Look on my caffliction and deliver me,

for dI do not forget your law.

154ePlead my cause and redeem me;

fgive me life according to your promise!

155gSalvation is far from the wicked,

hfor they do not seek your statutes.

156iGreat is your mercy, O Lord;

fgive me life according to your rules.

157jMany are my persecutors and my adversaries,

but I do not kswerve from your testimonies.

158I look at lthe faithless with mdisgust,

because they do not keep your commands.

159Consider how I nlove your precepts!

fGive me life according to your steadfast love.

160oThe sum of your word is ptruth,

and every one of your qrighteous rules endures forever.

Sin and Shin

161rPrinces persecute me swithout cause,

but my heart tstands in awe of your words.

162I trejoice at your word

like one who ufinds great spoil.

163I hate and abhor falsehood,

but I love vyour law.

164Seven times a day I praise you

for your qrighteous rules.

165Great wpeace have those who love your law;

xnothing can make them stumble.

166I yhope for your salvation, O Lord,

and I do your commandments.

167My soul keeps your testimonies;

I vlove them exceedingly.

168I keep your precepts and testimonies,

zfor all my ways are before you.


169Let my acry come before you, O Lord;

bgive me understanding caccording to your word!

170Let my plea come before you;

ddeliver me according to your word.

171My lips will epour forth praise,

for you fteach me your statutes.

172My tongue will sing of your word,

for gall your commandments are right.

173Let your hand be ready to help me,

for I have hchosen your precepts.

174I ilong for your salvation, O Lord,

and your law is my jdelight.

175Let my soul live and praise you,

and let your rules help me.

176I have kgone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant,

for I do not lforget your commandments.


  • 1 119:1 This psalm is an acrostic poem of twenty-two stanzas, following the letters of the Hebrew alphabet; within a stanza, each verse begins with the same Hebrew letter
  • 2 119:7 Or your just and righteous decrees; also verses 62, 106, 160, 164
  • 3 119:13 Or all the just decrees
  • 4 119:20 Or your just decrees; also verses 30, 39, 43, 52, 75, 102, 108, 137, 156, 175
  • 5 119:32 Or for you set my heart free
  • 6 119:33 Or keep it as my reward
  • 7 119:84 Hebrew How many are the days of your servant?
  • 8 119:100 Or the elders
  • 9 119:112 Or statutes; the reward is eternal
Displaying 1-8 of 8 sermons for this passage.

The Path to Freedom

Psalm 119:41–48 Sermon 38:55 ID: 3374

An Exposition of Psalm 119 — Part One

Psalm 119:97–112 Sermon 37:16 ID: 3248

An Exposition of Psalm 119 — Part Two

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Your Faithfulness Endures

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The Necessary Word

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The Prophesied Kingdom — Part One

Ezra 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:31 ID: 2390

The Prophesied Kingdom — Part Two

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Taking God’s Word for It

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Displaying 1-1 of 1 series for this passage.

The Kingdom of God, Volume 1

Genesis 1:1 – Malachi 4:6 Series ID: 26801