
Resources series

A Study in 1 and 2 Samuel, Volume 6

The Davidic Covenant

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ID: 109016 • November 30, 2021

What does the history of Israel’s kings have to do with the Christian life today? You might be surprised! The Old Testament books of 1 and 2 Samuel trace the development of Israel’s monarchy from its establishment under the prophet Samuel through the reigns of the nation’s first kings, Saul and David. Yet as memorable as these stories may be, an even greater story lies at their heart: that of the true King, “great David’s greater Son,” who would one day come to establish His throne and rule in our hearts forever.

In volume six of this series, Alistair Begg turns our attention to the promises of 2 Samuel 7, in which God made a covenant with David to “establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” Alistair helps us see that this chapter’s promises extend far beyond the earthly kingdom of Israel to encompass Revelation’s vision of a great company of nations gathered around God’s throne to worship David’s ultimate heir, Jesus.

Sermons in this Series
Available Volumes:

God’s Perspective on David’s Proposal

2 Samuel 7:1–7 Sermon Includes Transcript 45:29 ID: 3477

Understanding the Promise — Part One

2 Samuel 7:8–17 Sermon Includes Transcript 42:10 ID: 3478

Understanding the Promise — Part Two

2 Samuel 7:8–17 Sermon Includes Transcript 48:03 ID: 3479

Instruction for Mankind

2 Samuel 7:18–22 Sermon Includes Transcript 40:32 ID: 3480

“Do As You Have Spoken”

2 Samuel 7:23–29 Sermon Includes Transcript 35:55 ID: 3487