Mark, the first of the Gospels to be written and the shortest, zeroes in on the proclamation of Jesus as the Christ and the importance of faith in Him. Jesus’ words and works showed Him to be the compassionate and powerful Son of God as He set Himself on a trajectory to the cross to make atonement for sin. The Gospel’s aim is to persuade everyone to repent and believe.
This final volume in Mark brings us to Jesus’ arrest, death, and resurrection. Alistair Begg reminds us that we can see a bit of ourselves in each person who played a role in the crucifixion story. We may be shaken in our faith like Peter, indifferent like Pilate, or frightened like the women who discovered the empty tomb. Regardless, we all must consider the fact that Jesus not only died to make atonement for sin but also rose again to reign forever. What we do with this information is a decision with eternal consequences.